With the costs of cooling homes on the rise, and global warming making that task constantly more difficult, home owners are continuously looking for better, more inexpensive ways to cool their homes. Inside this guide you will find several strategies for lowering the cost of your utility bills, often with little or no investment of capital. 1. Cooling Starts With Your Home Design The overall costs of building a home can be daunting, but don't overlook investing extra money into a cooling system. The quality of your life can be substantially improved with higher quality air, and the money you save each month on your utility bills will more than pay for the extra effort you put forth many times over.
2. An Essential Home Cooling Checklist - Pay attention to your energy meter when everything is shut off in your home. Look for discrepancies - it should read zero - Install a programmable thermostat - Air ducts need to be cleaned regularly - Use solar panels on top of your roof to help power your most common appliances 3. Central Air Systems If you are looking to cool your home, then your first order of business will be to determine how much you are willing to spend.
A little more investment now can save you years of frustration. In addition, you will add to your home in a manner that substantially boosts its credit rating. Calculate how much more efficient a new system would be, and see if it's cost effective for you, versus simply maintaining the one you already have. Efficiency has come a long way in the last few years, so it's a good idea to check it out.
If you absolutely are torn between expanding your home or picking up a better central air system, go for central air. A higher quality of oxygen in your home will lead to less or even no complications regarding dust and asthma. Moreover, it will allow you to get a more peaceful sleep at night. 4. Cooling Does Not Cost A Lot Older homes are typically thought of as energy wasters. If you are considering buying a home or you just need to remodel and improve your existing home, know as much as you can about what keeps air from entering or leaving your home.
Check your attic, garage walls, and basement to make sure you have insulation properly installed. Double paned windows, blinds or drapes can also dramatically improve your energy bills.
For more great cooling related articles and resources check out http://lookingforcooling.info